


Барьеры BFT
Барьеры Цепи
Pop-up bollards
Teethed barriers
Mini hydrolic barriers
Антитеррористические Барьеры

Системы управления БАРЬЕРЫ Барьеры Цепи

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Chain barriers work with principle of tighten and stretched out the chain on the ground.This type of barriers are suitable for 5 - 40 meter rowed garages and entries that are difficult to stop up with other entry systems.Chain barriers,with its short (around 2 second) open - close time,are practical solutions for places that have traffic jam.
The upwards and downwards movement of the chain can be controlled through special connection components delivered to the chain from the ground in long distances like 40 meters.
Thus the movement of the chain is limited against interferences done from outside, by no means any vehicle can pass neither above nor below the chain.
For chains which feature automatic lifting, the barrier lifts the chain automatically after the vehicle has passed. The chain links are very thick and they are galvanized. Their force endurance is high. In case of fast vehicle crashes, thanks to the special connection components, the chain breaks off the carrier post preventing any damage to the engine and control unit. The chained barriers stand out among their rivals by providing economical solutions as well as being a desired product for lined car parks.

- Remote Control, button, proximity card, stricer and compatibility to all kinds of dry contact information.

-  A durable box covered with electrostatic dye powder on electro-galvanized body for a minimum of 10 years

- A simple and much more powerful design of dry and oil free mechanism and a system that doesn’t require maintenance.
- Safe electric wiring that operates on 12 VDC low voltage, rich accessory and installation for every kind of purpose.

- 3 Year System Warranty


MT- 5000

MT- 15000

MT- 25000

Operating Voltage


220 VA C/50 Hz

220 VA C/50 Hz

Engine Type

12 VDC-6OO W

220 VDC-6OO W

220 VDC-6OO W

Control Unit




Accumulator Type

24 Vdc-Ah

24 Vdc-Ah


Opening and Closing Speed

4-8 seconds

8-16 Seconds

16-25 Seconds

Daily Number of Maneuvers




Chain Length(maximum)

5 - 10 m.

15 - 20 m.

25 - 30 m.

Current Used (on load) w/o Accumulator

2,7 amp.

2,7 amp.

2,7 amp.

Current Used  (load) with Accumulator

0,4 amp.

0,4 amp.

0,4 amp.

Shifting on electricity shutdown

With Accumulator

With Accumulator


Chassis Thicknes

3 mm

3 mm

3 mm

Mechanism Type ■ Operating Method

Electro - Mechanic

Electro - Mechanic

Electro - Mechanic
-  Produced in order to close lengths that barred barriers can’t block. It can be used for lengths up to 50 meters.
- The link thickness of the chain increases with the redactor and engine type as the gap distance of the chain increases.
- The mechanism group is unlimited screw type and can’t be lowered manually when the chain is stretched out.
- The opening reaction speed is high. It opens within 1-2 seconds. The closing speed is 5-6 seconds.
- There are locked chain links which prevents the system to be damaged due to an impact inflicted on the chain. These links are released with the impact.
- The body is designed on 80*80*3 mm profile carcass. Main body and end piece have a flexible design.
- The roller diameter is kept big and ball bearing is used at end piece in order to prevent chain release during chain movement.
- System components are dyed with electrostatic powder dye. In addition the chain is galvanized.
Optional Features
Flasher warning light
Lap detector
Remote control
Illumination on body
Hose covering on chain
Impact alarm set
Box type contour information
Proximity card reader and report
Remote Control
Central security system
Coded button